Reisen mit Kindern nach Kanada

  • Im Herbst möchte ich ja mit Jenni erst nach Kanada (Toronto und Niagara Falls) und anschließend von Buffalo nach Boston fliegen und noch eine Woche bei meiner Freundin in Maine bleiben.
    Gestutzt habe ich jetzt bei den Einreisebstimmungen für Kinder, die nicht mit ihren Eltern gemeinsam reisen. Wir benötigen eine internationale Geburtsurkunde und eine beglaubigte Reise-Erlaubnis:

    The following sample letter can be amended to meet your specific situation and requirements.
    To Whom It May Concern
    I (We), ________________ (full name(s) of custodial and/or non-custodial parent(s)/legal guardian(s)), am (are) the____________________ (lawful custodial parent and/or non-custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s)) of
    Child’s full name: _____________________________________
    Date of birth (DD/MM/YY): _____________________________
    Place of birth: ________________________________________
    Canadian passport number:_____________________________
    Date of issuance of Canadian passport (DD/MM/YY): ________
    Place of issuance of Canadian passport: __________________
    ________________ (child’s full name), has my (our) consent to travel with
    Full name of accompanying person: _______________________
    Canadian or foreign passport number: _____________________
    Date of issuance of passport (DD/MM/YY):_________________
    Place of issuance of passport: ___________________________
    to visit ______________ (name of foreign country) during the period of __________________ (dates of travel: departure and return). During that period, ________________ (child’s full name) will be residing with ________________ (name of person where child will be residing in foreign country) at the following address:
    Number/street address and apartment number: ______________
    City, province/state, country: _____________________________
    Telephone and fax numbers (work and residence): _______________________
    Any questions regarding this consent letter can be directed to the undersigned at:
    Number/street address and apartment number: ______________
    City, province/state, country: _____________________________
    Telephone and fax numbers (work and residence): _______________________
    Signature(s):______________________________________ Date:_________________
    (Full name(s) and signature(s) of custodial parent, and/or non-custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s))
    Signed before me, ________________ (name of witness), this _________________ (date) at ________ ______ (name of location).
    Signature: ________________ (name of witness)

    Na ja, es ist ja noch etwas Zeit... ;D
    Viele Grüße

Jetzt mitmachen!

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