Ha, ha - urgend reply - pls send me your passport copy

  • Name:Hon. Ebenezer Sekyi-Hughes

    This is Hon. Ebenezer Sekyi-Hughes, former speaker of the house of parliament Ghana.
    I am in need of a reliable Trustee to help me receive my 1 box of consignments containing 11 MILLION GBP in London and Under the custody of the British embassy in Tokyo Japan.

    This present Ghana government is an opposition party, they trying to accuse me of looting government treasury during my time in office and this is the reason why I need a dependable and reliable partner to receive the funds as my trustee to avoid any trace.
    I am prepared to give you 30% of the total fund if you can help me receive it without any trace.

    All we have to do is to ask my attorney to issue you a Power of Attorney and Change of Ownership certificate in your name while he will also handle other processes which he will explain to you.

    Send me your passport copy and pictures so that I can know you better.

    Hon. Ebenezer Sekyi-Hughes

    {a {a {a - eine nette Mail und die 11 Millionen hätte ich schon gerne...

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